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Meeting for the First Time Can be Awkward.

I have sat around all day thinking about what to blog about for my very first blog post. I had a horrible day yesterday, and almost had to make the most important decision of my life, which is the reason I am creating this blog. As much as I want to share my yesterdays happenings, I really want to introduce myself. I dont want to bore anyone on my first day, but I think its important to know how I think and write. First thing's first. I do not think of myself as a professional writer. Which leads me to answering this question "Why in the world are you writing a blog?" There is a very simple answer. I NEED TO VENT. I am hoping to do this at least 3 times a week. I am not looking for attention, I could not care less if even just 1 person reads this. I am hoping this blog will be able to help me share things that is hard for me to share, or let me get feelings out that I keep bundled up somewhere in my over-thinking brain. If anyone wants to read my thoughts, great. I love

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